Spectacular Singletrack

If you’re looking to get the blood flowing and challenge your riding skills you’ve come to the right place. With heaps of trails to choose from and a knack for finding what you like our guides have an encyclopedic knowledge of what’s out there and will dial you into the terrain that you crave. Are you descender looking for manicured berms and rollers or a climber who loves the tight switchbacks? Either way our crew will get you access to what you desire.


Do you habitually travel with a full face helmet or is that carbon race bike more your style? Fear not, we know where to fulfill your loamy dreams. Did we forget to mention the rockgardens? Santa Cruz is known for it’s Redwood duff but if you like the hard stuff we can hook that up too. Your guides are passionately engaged with local advocacy so if there is something new out there that you heard about on the forums fear not, we’ve got the low down.

Three hour tours start at $150 –Book now!

If you have any further questions please contact us below or